AVAILABILITY, NOT ABILITY Even as we focus these days on gifts, talents and skills, it’s refreshing to note that God’s Word is full of examples of people who made themselves available for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in and through their lives. Consider Moses’ excuses when God called him to be Israel’s deliverer in Exodus …
Unaltered Heart Vs. Altered Heart! “for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) We live in a world that often values skillful, gifted, talented and above average folks. Every leader wants to hire such people so that they would not run into the risk of being …
J.D. WALT: LEARN TO FREELY RECEIVE “What if I could freely receive and freely give? When Jesus says, ‘Seek the Kingdom,’ I think he is saying, ‘Learn to receive.’ Here’s what I think. To the extent we can receive from God, our lives will be a gift to others. Doesn’t Jesus say as much? “‘Do …
Attach Faithfully & Detach Gracefully Detaching oneself from the position of power and privileges is difficult. Some struggle mentally and hence keep interfering or remain stuck with the sweet memories of the past. Others manipulate the system to stay in it longer. Very few are there who attach and detach well. What is attachment? Some …
God’s Mercy: Guilt to Repentance. “…according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion…” – Psalm 51 Lent could very well be a time to do what one may call “personal stock-taking”. It should not be a time-consuming process if we are truthful to find the sin and muck that traps our lives. How …
MARTIN LUTHER: LOOK AT YOUR OWN LIFE “Know that to serve God is nothing else than to serve your neighbor and do good to him in love, be it child, wife, servant, enemy, friend; without making any difference, whoever needs your help in body or soul, and wherever you can help in temporal or spiritual …