Greetings from the Evangelical Fellowship of India, We would like to invite your participation in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). IDOP gives us the privilege to join with over five lakh churches in 150 countries to pray for the persecuted church every year. An initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance, IDOPs …
YMCA, NEW DELHI, 27 & 28 JUNE 2019 Preamble India has changed decisively, and this was evident from the results from the recent elections, April-May, 2019. We find ourselves living in a period of historic transition that presents a great challenge especially to the Christian church. We, as leaders of Christian communities, churches, institutions and …
DOWNLOAD JHARKHAND FREEDOM OF RELIGION BILL 2017 ENG/HINDI IN PDF The Jharkhand government cleared the draft of the “Jharkhand Freedom of Religion Bill 2017” also known as “Jharkhand Dharma Swatantra Adhiniyam”, on 2nd August 2017. The Bill will be tabled in the upcoming Monsoon Session of the Legislative Assembly which begins on 8th August 2017. …
To attack people going to worship is to attack the very essence of what makes us human beings. The Evangelical Fellowship of India therefore condemns the dastardly attack on the Amarnath pilgrims in which several persons have been killed and more than a dozen injured. EFI prays for God’s solace to their families so that …
The Evangelical Fellowship of India expresses its shock and grief over the death of 16 Christians in Meghalaya state in North East India. As per reports by media, at least 16 Christians were killed and over 50 were injured when a truck carrying them overturned in the West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya in the …
DISCRIMINATION, PERSECUTION, MARTYRDOM: FOLLOWING CHRIST TOGETHER Global Consultation | 1 – 5 November 2015 | Tirana, Albania CONSULTATION MESSAGE 04 November 2015 “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together.” (I Corinthians 12:26) For the first time in the modern history of Christianity high level leaders and representatives …