EFI Women Commission is organizing a webinar for women in Hindi on the theme of love and forgiveness on Valentines Day 2022. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87509656693?pwd=TkswckhMblpKb2EweVE4N0N2Rll5dz09 Meeting ID: 875 0965 6693Passcode: 140222
We thank God for His grace and favour on the successful webinar of the Evangelical Fellowship of India Women Commission held on 23rd October 2021. Dr. Mrs. Indu Lall was used greatly by the Lord as she brought the Word of God with clarity and conviction. Over 700 plus individual women joined the webinar from …
20th October 2021 The Evangelical Fellowship of India condemns the reprehensible outbreak of targeted violence against the Hindus, in Bangladesh in the past week. It is shocking and painful to learn about the violence and havoc that took place at the ISKCON temple in the capital of Bangladesh on Thursday (14 October) and led to …
Greetings from the Evangelical Fellowship of India, The world is still dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been fresh outbreaks in nations where the virus was thought to be under control. The world has lost over 4,700,000 people to the disease and the countdown goes on every day. India remains second in the chart …