After the 18 verified incidents reported by Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) for the month of January 2017, EFI reports 20 verified incidents of hate crimes against Christians in India in the month of February 2017, taking the toll to 38 incidents of hate crimes against Christians in the first two months of the new …
The Evangelical Fellowship of India expresses its shock and grief over the death of 16 Christians in Meghalaya state in North East India. As per reports by media, at least 16 Christians were killed and over 50 were injured when a truck carrying them overturned in the West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya in the …
New Year 2017 began with numerous reports of targeted violence and intimidation against the minority Christian community of India. Below is the list of 18 verified incidents according to the data available with Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI). Out of the 18-recorded incidents, 4 were recorded in Madhya Pradesh, 3 in Maharashtra, two each in …
Church stoned during Sunday Service at Nagpur On October 16, 2016 at Nagpur, Maharashtra, the St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India was stoned, while the Sunday worship was going on. Regular worship services have been conducted on the first floor of this rented accommodation for the past four years. It was during the service that …
Pastor and elderly mother assaulted in Church attack July 3, 2016: Pastor Satpal Singh, 48, his elderly mother, son and nephew were severely assaulted in a brutal attack by 12-15 men from the Sikh community in village Mallian of district Gurdaspur, Punjab on 3 July 2016. The attack took place on a Sunday early before …
Note : Some incidents carry related photos. Clicking on the image will open them in a new window for a better view. Evangelist beaten in Erode, Tamil Nadu January 17, 2016: According to reports received from ADF, a Christian evangelist was brutally beaten by a mob of more than 100 Hindutva fundamentalists for sharing a …