We request prayers that the church would continue to serve the nation and faithfully share the Gospel of Jesus Christ which brings about reconciliation with God and one another. Pastor arrested in Lakhanpur, Surguja district, Chattisgarh January 1, 2016: Pastor Johan Kujur from Lakhanpur village, Sarguja district was arrested after local Hindu extremist accused him …
Christians threatened and warned at Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh December 1, 2015: Hindu extremists threatened a family and warned them of dire consequences if they continued to attend worship services at Sundra village, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh. Premlal Sahu and his family were at their home when suddenly a mob of 20 plus Bajrang Dal members barged into their …
16 Dalit Christians forced to flee home in Jharkhand May 13, 2016: Sixteen Dalit Christians were beaten up and forced to flee their homes in Hunter village, Palamu District, Jharkhand. The Christians, who have been following Christianity for more than 9 years, were summoned before the village council and questioned as to why they were …
DISCRIMINATION, PERSECUTION, MARTYRDOM: FOLLOWING CHRIST TOGETHER Global Consultation | 1 – 5 November 2015 | Tirana, Albania CONSULTATION MESSAGE 04 November 2015 “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together.” (I Corinthians 12:26) For the first time in the modern history of Christianity high level leaders and representatives …
EFI News October 2015 Introduction The Evangelical Fellowship of India has recorded at least 23 verified incidents targeting the Christian community in the months of September – October 2015. This includes one person being killed by unidentified people in Jharkhand while other incidents like arrests on cooked up charges and attacks on individual Christians and …
One cannot over emphasize on the importance of young people in the Church. In India this importance becomes even more augmented because of our demographics. India is a young nation; every third person in our cities today is a young person. The Church in India too reflects this reality and we as a Church, cannot …