2025 Lent Devotional – Day 16
2025 lent devotional, Lent 2025, Lent; Devotionals
Lent Devotional: Day 16
Generosity goes beyond Righteousness
Preeti Khristmukti
In Matthew 20:1-16, the Lord Jesus tells a parable: a landowner hired workers for his vineyard, agreed to pay them a denarius as the labour charges, and did so, when the day was done. But those who started the work earlier grumbled against him, for giving an equal payment to those who were hired later and worked only for a couple of hours. The landowner’s reply is noteworthy: ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
This describes the heart of our God: Generous and gracious beyond the balances of righteousness. Not unfair by any means, but far beyond expectations to those who look to Him for mercy. Even in the Old Testament, the LORD commanded the Israelites to care for the poor, widows, orphans, foreigners, handicapped, etc. Their treatment of the marginalized and vulnerable was supposed to display His character. There was never to be an idol of Yahweh. But Israel was called to reflect Him – His holiness – through their righteousness, love, kindness and grace.
The ultimate display of the grace of Yahweh is seen in the New Testament, as He GAVE His One and Only Son for the underserving mankind –– for sinners! In His righteousness, His annihilation of the human race would be fair enough. But He chose to give us “grace upon grace” (John 1:16). Today, we are alive, forgiven, blessed, adopted and hopeful for eternity only because the LORD has been Gracious to us, and has given us what we never deserved – the sacrifice on the Cross!
In our dealings, are we only “fair enough” when we share from this grace we have received? To those at our mercy – those who serve in our homes, or those who owe us some financial dues, how far do we go beyond what is righteous? Do we count every penny someone owes us, and extract work from the house-maids without a day’s leave? Or do we manage with a little bit of dust around the house if she is unwell? Do we take note of the condition of our debtors, or the sacrifices they make when they pay back their dues to us? How often our left hand makes a note every time we give with our right hand! Do we keep in mind the wrongs done to us, and upon a due time, think of repaying it with double?
During Lent, as we meditate on the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and while we are thankful for the abundant love, grace and mercy that we receive from Him, let us remember to extend a little from it to those around us who are underserving. Let us thoughtfully write off our debtors who can’t pay, go out of our way to be kind to the poor (secretly!) and let us extend forgiveness to everyone who hurt, insulted or wronged us. We will do well to display His character, when as His children, we extend His compassion to whomever we can.