• 2025 Lent Devotional – Day 4

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    Lent Devotional: Day 4

    The Well That Never Runs Dry

    Rev. Vijayesh Lal

    John 7:37-38 – “On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.'”

    Many of us know what it means to be thirsty – not just for water, but for hope, for peace, for a better life. Some days, life itself feels like a constant thirst – thirst for enough resources, for better opportunities, for our children’s future. We know what it means to come up short, to never have quite enough.

    This makes Jesus’ promise even more powerful. Dear ones, consider what He’s offering – not just a temporary solution, but rivers of living water flowing from within! This is no ordinary promise, but the very presence of the Holy Spirit.

    We often come to God with our needs – for provision, for healing, for strength to face another day. But Jesus is saying something revolutionary here. He wants to turn our lives from empty vessels into flowing rivers. When we come to Him in prayer, are we coming only with our needs, or are we coming ready to be transformed into channels of blessing?

    The choice before us today is clear. Will we keep struggling with our own strength, or will we allow the Master to fill us with His endless supply? Will we keep focusing only on our lack, or will we trust Him to make us into rivers of blessing for others?

    Pause now. In the midst of your work, your daily tasks, your family responsibilities – hear the Lord’s invitation. Come with your thirst – your thirst for purpose, for peace, for His presence. Come not just to receive, but to be transformed into a source of blessing for others.


    Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You thirsty today. Not just for earthly things, but for Your living water. Transform me from a vessel that always needs filling into a channel of Your blessing. Where there is emptiness, fill me. Where there is fear, strengthen me. Make me a river of Your grace in this dry and weary land. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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