EFI calls for observance of International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
As we observe the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church, here are suggestions on how to pray for the persecuted Church
1. Let us pray that the persecuted Church may be strengthened in faith despite the trials they face.
2. Let us pray that the persecuted Church may receive strength to forgive and be gracious towards their persecutors.
3. Let us pray that the persecuted Church may continue to serve in love in the places where God has placed them. May their love expressed in words and works glorify God and cause many to turn towards Him.
4. Let us pray that the persecuted Church will not lose heart or be fearful but will share the good news of Christ Jesus even in their most difficult circumstance. Pastor Trian Dors from Romania said this many years ago while living in repressive conditions: “I don’t ask you to pray that we will avoid persecution. Pray that we can endure and take advantage of the opportunities for witness that only intense persecution brings.”
5. Let us pray that the persecuted Church would be able to experience unity both in their country as well as with the global body of Christ. Let us pray that we may stand strong and stand together.
6. Let us pray that the persecuted Church will be able to stand up for their legal and constitutional rights wherever possible and will respond with grace and love.
Consider the two prayers given below made by persecuted Christians themselves. May we learn to love and trust and walk with our dear savior like them.
“Lord if my bonds glorify You more than my freedom, why should I want freedom? If You are glorified more by my suffering than by my prosperity, what good is prosperity?” – Michail Khorev (Russia)
“I welcome the difficulties with joy, because I can do all things through You who strengthens me. To be with You, O Lord, is paradise. To live in the spirit is sweet and full of fruits. To die in Your way, o Christ, is life itself.” (Pastor Mehdi Dibaj – Iran)